Crystal Blinked
Closed Traits

- Crystal Growth - Crystal growth throughtout body is a key feature of a crystal blinked ashigo.
- Decay - The body of the Crystal blinked ashigo begins to rot away.
- Growth - Many different types of plant and fungi begint to grow all over the body of the ashigo.
- Leaking Soul - The soul of the ashigo is attempting to escape the body.
What are Crystal Blinked?
Crystal blinked is the name of a deadly and always fatal disease that only affects ashigos. Crystal blinked ashigos are ashigos who have perished at the hands of the deadly disease, and through an unkown cause are still 'alive'. Crystal blinked ashigo are feared by all ashigokind, they are unwanted and considered dangerous.
The cycle of the disease;
- Lack of Hunger/appetite
- Weakness in joints, chest pain
- Coughing ( this stage ends with coughing up blood)
- Crystal Growth ( the first of the crystals begin to emerge
- Blankness of the eyes
- Death
- In very rare cases the ashigo will begin to wander and be 'alive' after death. These are known as Crystal blinked ashigo.
In villages the disease was able to rampage and infect the mass majority of the ashigos, to combat this the sick are locked inside a home and are essentially left for death. There is no cure for the sickness and any of the healthy who tried to tend to them would get sick as well.
They would try their best to make sure their final days were as comfortable as they could make it, they supplied visheep blankets and would push bowls of water and food under the door but most of the time the sick were too weak or because of the sickness unable to take any food or water.

Once all ashigo had passed their bodies would be left in the buildings for a moon cycle before a volunteer would bury them all in a mass grave. Said volunteer would isloate from the village for a moon cycle to ensure they did not get sick.

How do I obtain a Crystal Blinked MYO?
You can obtain a Crystal Blinked MYO multiple ways.( please note for masterlist reasons you need to have a devaintart account )
- You can buy a myo through Kaizu's Shop
- Through events that happen throughout the year
- Giveways that are hosted in the offical ashigo discord server
Where did Crystal Blinked come from?
it is not known where exactly the disease originated from but ashigos have theorized on the cause since it first emerged in the dark age.
The most common theories being that it came from the heart of the crystal caverns or that it is a curse that Farronis placed upon ashigokind.